International Day of the Girl child
The NCWC in collaboration with Dawakha Lower Secondary School Observed the International Day of the Girl child on theme "Girls" progress = Goal Progress: A global Call for Data on October 11, 2016. The Hon’ble Lyonpo Dorji Choden, Chairperson NCWC, Minister of MoWHS graced the occasion. Coincide with the day, NCWC launched the report on violence against Children(VAC). We the family of NCWC would like to thank Principal, Teachers, staffs and students of Dawakha Middle Secondary school and officials from Paro Dzongkhag administration for hosting the IDGC 2016.
All Updates
- Vacancy for the post of Chief Program Officer
- Result for the post of Project Manager
- Key gender terms and concepts
- Shortlisted Applicants for post of Project Manager
- Public notification on Rule 30 of the Child Adoption R&R 2015
- Selection Result for Program Officer
- Bhutan presented its 3rd to 5th Combined Periodic Report on CRC
- Vacancy for the post of Project Officer
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization program phase II
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization Training
- Quotation for upgradation of server.
- The 1st birth anniversary of our beloved Gyelsey
- The 1st birth anniversary of our beloved Gyelsey
- MIS Development Quotation
- Vacancy Announcement