Annual Gender and Child Focal Points Conference
National Commission for Women and Children has organized Annual Gender and Child Focal Points (GCFPs) Conference from 11-June-2018 to 15-June-2018.
The conference intent to share the updates and challenges faced by GCFPs and discuss on way forward, further NCWC sensitized on different legal provision for the women and children.
All Updates
- Result for the post of Project Manager
- Key gender terms and concepts
- Shortlisted Applicants for post of Project Manager
- Public notification on Rule 30 of the Child Adoption R&R 2015
- Selection Result for Program Officer
- Bhutan presented its 3rd to 5th Combined Periodic Report on CRC
- Vacancy for the post of Project Officer
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization program phase II
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization Training
- Quotation for upgradation of server.
- The 1st birth anniversary of our beloved Gyelsey
- The 1st birth anniversary of our beloved Gyelsey
- MIS Development Quotation
- Vacancy Announcement
- Royal Civil Service Award 2016