Selection result for the Post of Adm/HR Officer
As per the selection procedure held on August 13, 2018, the National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) is pleased to announce the selection result.
Tshering Choden, (EID No. 20150104991), Asst.HRO, MoE been selected for the post of Adm/HR Officer, Secretariat Services, National Commission for Women and Children(NCWC).
In line with section of the BCSR 2018, the candidate is requested to submit the following document to HR section, NCWC by August 31, 2018.
1. Audit Clearance (Valid and original)
2. Security Clearance Certificate (Valid and copy)
3. No objection Certificate from the Parent Agency
The NCWC would like to thank applicants who have applied for the post.