Sensitization program for the DWCC
From 13th to 15 May 2019, NCWC team has sensitized Haa and Paro Dzongkhag on the Dzongkhag Woman and Child Welfare Committee (DWCC) established in the Dzongkhag.
The topics of advocacy are;
1. Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Dzongkhag Women and Children Committee (DWCC),
2. Child Care and Protection Act, 2011, Child Adoption Act, 2012, Domestic Violence Prevention Act, 2013,
3. Woman and Child Helpline (1098),
4. SoP on Case Management for Women and Children in Difficult Circumstances and
5. Implementation of Central Management Information System.
All Updates
- Award Program 2019
- Observation of IDEVAW
- World Children’s Day and Child Mandala
- 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Voices of Children and Young People Child Helpline Data for 2017 & 2018
- Gender and climate change
- Wishing our humble Happy 64th Birth Anniversary Your Majesty
- Kicked off the Bhutan Women Parliamentary Caucus (BWPC)
- BWPC Orientation workshop Day 2
- Training of Trainers on Early Identification and Safe Referral on Child Protection
- International Day of the Girl Child Day "Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable".
- Caregiver and adolescence group for Bhutan Pilot Project
- Consultancy Services to Conduct Assessment of the Implementation Progress of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act 2013.
- Gender-Nationally Determined Contributions Project in Bhutan
- Workshop on standardizing Case Management Forms