The shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Counselor
The NCWC is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Counselor as follow:
The NCWC would like to thank all applicants who have applied for the post advertised.
Note: The agency will notify the candidates of the selection interview date as early as possible considering the lockdown. For any other information/ clarification, please contact, HR Section, NCWC at telephone number 334549/334553 during the office hours.
All Updates
- Re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Officer, Children Division
- Time extension for Consultancy Services to Review the NPAG and Formulate a new National Plan of Action on Gender.
- Quotation
- Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen's Birthday
- Inauguration of Creche at Thimphu Thromde and CFM
- Re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Officer, Children Division
- Sensitization program for Thimphu DWCC
- Consultancy Services to Review the National Plan of Action on Gender and Formulate a new National Plan of Action on Gender.
- Sensitization program for the DWCC
- Vacancy announcement
- National consultative workshop
- Selection result for the post of 2 Assistant Counselors, NCWC
- Sensitization program for the Service Providers
- DWCC sensitization program in Chukha Dzongkhag
- Visit to the Children HalfWay Home, Nazhoen Lamtoen and Gawailing Happy Home, RENEW