National consultative workshop
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is organizing a national consultative workshop themed “converging efforts; exploring opportunities” on 3rd and 4th May 2019 at Terma Linca Resort and Spa, Thimphu. It is a platform for the government, development partners and Civil Society Organizations stakeholders to discuss on prospective engagement in the areas of gender equality and women empowerment in the country.
The objectives of the workshop are to present the results and discuss on lessons and
experiences of the TA9016 (BHU): “Decentralized Coordination and Partnerships for Gender Equality Results” which will end by 31 May 2019 and also discuss way forward ideas and partnerships in continuing and sustaining efforts in promoting gender equality.
The Hon’ble Minister of Health and Vice Chairperson of NCWC Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo graced the opening session along with ADB Country Director for Bhutan Resident Mission; Principal Social Development Specialist, Office of the Director General, ADB; Financing Partnership Specialist, Policy and Partnership Department, ADB; Chief Representative, JICA Bhutan Office; Commission Members of NCWC and other dignitaries and participants on 3rd May 2019.
All Updates
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- Quotation for Air Ticket
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- Quotation for Air Ticket
- Interview for Chief Program Officer
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
- Shortlisted candidates for the post of Chief Program Officer.
- Vacancy for Deputy Chief Program Officer or Sr.Program Officer
- Re-advertising the vacancy for Chief Program Officer
- Gender Sensitization Workshop for the hon’ble Members of the Parliament.