Training on Early Identification and Safe Referral of Children in Zhemgang
The Secretariat of the National Commission for Women and Children, with the support from Save the Children International, successfully conducted a two-day training on "Early Identification and Safe Referral (EISR) of Children" from August 17 to 18, 2027, at the Startup Center in Zhemgang.
The training brought together teachers and counselors from Zhemgang High and Primary Schools, Kikhar Primary School, Tshanglajong Primary School, and ECCD facilitators. This initiative aimed to strengthen the participants' expertise in child protection, with a particular focus on the early identification of abuse and the appropriate procedures for safe referrals. The sessions provided in-depth coverage of critical topics, including the identification of abuse types and indicators, the crucial role of frontliners in child protection, and the implementation of best practices for responding to and referring cases of concern.
Document | Download link |
Website writeup-EISR(Zhemgang).pdf | Download |
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