Inter-Country Adoption
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) informs that with the endorsement of the Child Adoption Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2015 by its Commission, the Inter-Country Adoption is open for processing. As per Rule 30 of the Child Adoption Rules and Regulations, only the foreign nationals of countries with the presence of Bhutanese Embassy/Consulate/Mission/Designated Representative are eligible to apply for adoption of a Bhutanese child. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its letter no MFA/ PPD/GEN-5/670 dated 7 April 2015 has provided the NCWC with the following list of countries having Bhutanese Embassy/Consulate/ Mission at the moment:
1. Bangladesh
2. Belgium
3. India
4. Kuwait
5. Switzerland
6. Thailand
7. United States of America
Further as per Section 5 of the Child Adoption Act of Bhutan 2012 and Rule 28 of the Child Adoption Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2015, Inter-Country Adoption will be considered only as a last resort where suitable prospective adopting parents cannot be found for a child within the country.
For details, refer Child Adoption Act of Bhutan 2012 and the Child Adoption Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2015.
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