The Director General joins Department of Youth and Sports.
The Management and Staffs of the National Commission for Women and Children takes the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our outgoing Director General, Ms Phintsho Choeden for the guidance and unconditional guidance over the last four years of her tenure. During Madam’s tenure with NCWC, significant administrative, legal, policy, program and activity based reforms were carried out. This has only taken the NCWC closer to fulfilling its vision, mission and objectives.
The NCWC family would like to wish her more success and achievements with her new office, the Department of Sports and Youth, Ministry of Education.
All Updates
- Understanding Basic Gender Concepts and Gender Mainstreaming tools - Gender Mainstreaming Training
- Training on Early Identification and Safe Referral of Children in Zhemgang
- Annual Gender and Child Focal Point Meeting
- NCWC - Executive Order
- NCWC Hosts Consultation Workshop to Develop Action Plan for 10th CEDAW Concluding Observations
- Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus (AWPC), Thimphu, Bhutan 13th - 14th May, 2024
- Sensitization Program on Women's and Children's Rights for Members of Parliament.
- Suggestions and feedback on the Revised National Gender Equality Policy
- Orientation program-JSW School of Law
- Orientation program to the Community based and School Based Child Protection Committees.
- Training of Trainer-Dekyid Thuendrel
- "Empowering Communities to Address Violence Against Children" A pilot project in 3 Dzongkhags
- Training of Thimphu Thromde Community Mentors and School Trainers on the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without Violence Toolkit
- Orientation and Coordination Meeting with Community Members.
- Pilot test on the Parenting without Violence (PwV)Toolkit in Thimphu