Royal Civil Service Award 2015

NCWC family would like to congratulate and thank the following candidate for serving the Nation with full dedication and outstanding services.
1. Mr. Bhim Prasad Neopanay (Sr. Accounts Officer) for serving 10 year and awarded Bronze Medal.
2. Ms. Shera(Adm. Asst.) for serving 20 years and awarded silver Medal.
The medals are awarded by Director of NCWC in presence of all the staffs on 14/Dec/2015 at NCWC conference hall. The session ended by encouraging all staffs to continue working hard and serving Tsa-wa-sum with integrity.
All Updates
- Call 1098 or 77161215 to seek NCWC support during lockdown
- Royal Civil Service Award 2020
- NCWC family bid farewell to our Dircetor
- Orientation on internal child safeguarding and protection policy
- Special panel on Violence against women and girls
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW)
- World Children’s Day
- Training program on Early Identification and Safe Referral (EISR) for Gasa, Wangduephodrang and Punakha Dzongkhag.
- Training to the front-line responders and non-specialized service providers on SOP on GBV Prevention for Mongar and Lhuntse
- Training to the front-line responders and non-specialized service providers on SOP on GBV Prevention in Trashigang and Trashiyangtsi
- Queen Mother of Bhutan and HelpAge India receive 2020 UN Population Award
- Rape is a crime and social problem
- Wishing our humble Happy 65th Birth Anniversary Your Majesty
- Training on basic communication and helping skills & orientation on Case Management
- NCWC scores for APA 2019-2020