Awards of Gender Champion
The National Commission for Women and Children, for the first time instituted the Gender Champion Award from this year. The award system is in recognition of significant contribution of individuals/organizations towards the cause of gender equality. The award this year was presented during the Annual Gender Focal Person (GFP) meeting in Phuntsholing in January 2016. We would like to sincerely congratulate the following recipients:
Tandin Dorji (Pvt. Sector)
Sonam Dendup (MOIC)
Tashi Yangzom (MoAF)
All Updates
- Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave and baby feeding break extended from March 1, 2016
- 108th National Day
- Royal Civil Service Award 2015
- Vacancy for the post of Personal Assistant (PA) to Director.
- Vacancy of Personal Assistant
- New Director for NCWC
- International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC)
- Awareness program in Higher Secondary Schools of Thimphu
- The Director General joins Department of Youth and Sports.
- Annual Performance Agreement signing of NCWC Secretariat
- EOI Shortlisted Announcement
- Supply of Laptops and Printers
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- EoI to develop SOP on Case Management and Referral System for Women and Children in Difficult Circumstances.