Welcoming two division Chiefs
NCWC is excited to welcome two division Chiefs(Women and Children Divisions). We are glad you joined us.....
All Updates
- Awards of Gender Champion
- 108th National Day
- Royal Civil Service Award 2015
- Vacancy for the post of Personal Assistant (PA) to Director.
- Vacancy of Personal Assistant
- New Director for NCWC
- International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC)
- Awareness program in Higher Secondary Schools of Thimphu
- The Director General joins Department of Youth and Sports.
- Annual Performance Agreement signing of NCWC Secretariat
- EOI Shortlisted Announcement
- Supply of Laptops and Printers
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- EoI to develop SOP on Case Management and Referral System for Women and Children in Difficult Circumstances.