Birth anniversary of the great Fourth
Your Majesty the "Great Fourth"; you are our king, father, guide, protector, friend and an inspiration for all times to come. No doubt, you are extraordinary, as your birth has been prophesized long time back by Terton Drukdra Dorji in following words:
"Dear son, listen to me once again,In the hidden lowland of the southern country (Bhutan)Where three valleys merge in a beautiful place called Womtrong, (old name for Dechencholing)In that sacred place, in the Female Wood Sheep Year (1955),A boy of unsurpassed character will be born.He will ascend the Golden Throne at the age of 20 (His Majesty’s lunar calendar age)And take his country to the greatest heights of success unopposed.The sentient beings in that land will enjoy unprecedented peace and prosperity".
His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck addressed the nation that “Never was, a King like Jigme Singye Wangchuck ever born in Bhutan. And never will, a King like Jigme Singye Wangchuck ever be born again in Bhutan". Bodhisattvas are constantly guiding the sentient beings and Bhutan is fortunate you came as our Bodhisattva King. We owe you our greatest gratitude and respect for all you have done for the country and the people. The NCWC therefore, would like to join the nation to celebrate your majesty’s 63rd birth anniversary and wish your Majesty all the happiness and prayers for your long life.
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- Vacancy Announcement
- Vacancy re-announcement for Sr.Program Officer
- Result of consultancy selection on translation
- Revised TOR for Toll Free Helpline
- CMIS End User Training
- Quotation to develop the SOP for Toll Free helpline
- Invitation of Quotation for Air Ticke
- Validation Workshop on the Draft Gender Equality Policy and the Mid-year GFPs Meeting
- Vacancy for Sr. Program Officer in the Children Division
- Invitation of Quotation for Air Ticket
- Quotation for establishment of Toll Free Help line
- Happy 6th Royal Wedding Anniversary
- International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC)
- Launch of CMIS for Women and Children
- Selection Result for the Post of Driver