Announcement of shortlisted candidates for the post of 2 Asst. Counselors
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) is pleased to announce that 11 applicants have been shortlisted for the post of 2 Assistant Counselor(s). This is as per the decision of the 87th HRC Meeting held on 22nd April, 2019.
The following are the list of shortlisted applicants: |
Name |
CID. No |
1 |
Junias Rasaily |
11806000438 |
2 |
Chador Dema |
11203000949 |
3 |
Tshering Zangmo |
11912000084 |
4 |
Singye Wangchuk |
10709002359 |
5 |
Sonam Lhamo |
10801002104 |
6 |
Muna Kumari Giri |
11214002988 |
7 |
Sonam Yangchen |
11910002170 |
8 |
Kuenzang Wangdi |
11008002213 |
9 |
Tashi Wangmo |
11504001152 |
10 |
Tandin Tshomo |
11810002271 |
11 |
Karma Tshomo |
11810002272 |
The shortlisting has been done based on:
(i) Degree Marks (65% and above)
(ii) Relevant Qualifications and work experience
(iii) Extracurricular activities
Important Reminder:
(i) The shortlisted candidates are asked to report to NCWC on 30th April, 2019 (Tuesday) at 9:15 am sharp for the interview and the written exams.
(ii) All shortlisted candidates are asked to bring along the original documents for the copy of documents submitted during the application time.
The NCWC would also like to thank all the other applicants who had applied for the post advertised.
For any further clarifications, kindly contact at 02-334549 (Ext. 113) during Office hours.
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