Gender and climate change
Gender & climate are interlinked and climate change impacts men and women differently. The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC), and the National Environment Commission (NEC) in partnership with UNDP Bhutan are working to mainstream gender in Bhutan's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) process with focus on the three priority sectors of agriculture, waste and energy to help the country come up with an inclusive, gender-responsive climate action plan.
As part of the initiative, an in-depth assessment of gender and climate change in Bhutan has been carried out. A two-day stakeholder consultation meeting with the government, private sector & CSOs is underway to finalise the study report.
All Updates
- Shortlisted candidate for post of Driver
- Quotation for translation of the Rules Guidelines
- Welcoming two division Chiefs
- Inauguration of creche
- Dzongkha development training by DDC
- Sensitization of School Guidance Counselors on "SOP on Referral and Management of Cases related to CIDC and WIDC"
- Vacancy Announcement for driver
- Regional Expert Group Meeting in Colombo
- Annual Performance Agreement (APA) signing
- One day sensitization program in collaboration with Tarayana Foundation
- Sensitization on "SOP on Referral and Management of Cases related to CIDC and WIDC"
- Gender Awareness and Sensitization program in Mongar.
- Selection result for Project officer
- Vacancy re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Office
- Vacancy for the post of Chief Program Officer