Training to the front-line responders and non-specialized service providers on SOP on GBV Prevention for Mongar and Lhuntse
The National Commission for Women and Children with support from UNDP and UNICEF carried out a two-day training for the Dzongkhag Woman and Child Committee (DWCC) and the front-line workers on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention and Responses, and Early Identification and Safe Referral (EISR) in Mongar from 18 - 20 November 2020
The SOP on GBV Prevention and Response was developed by the NCWC with support from UN Interagency Gender Task Team with the objective to provide clear and comprehensive guidance for the multi-sector response to and prevention and mitigation of GBV in the country. Likewise, the EISR manual was developed by NCWC with support from UNICEF to improve the existing Child Protection System with regard to safely and properly identifying and referring child protection cases, and ensure providing children in difficult circumstances (CIDC) and children in conflict with the law (CICL) with the appropriate child protection case management services; and improve coordination between the competent authority and all other service providers in the country as per the rules and regulations of the Child Care and Protection Act of Bhutan (CCPA).
The training is aimed at strengthening the capacities of DWCC members and the front-line workers on responding to cases of GBV, CICL and CIDC. The two-day training was attended by Dasho Dzongdag, members of DWCC, sector heads, school counsellors, teachers, health workers, desuups and local government leaders.
In addition to the two-day training program, a dissemination workshop on the findings from gender assessment of the selected National Determined Contribution sectors (Agriculture, Energy and Waste) was carried out on 20 November 2020. The participants were also oriented on the gender and climate change nexus including gender differentiated impact. Members of the Dzongkhag Mainstreaming Reference Group also participated in the dissemination workshop along with the DWCC members and front-line workers.The program is implemented through the Project titled ‘Gender Responsive NDC implementation in Bhutan’ with UNDP and supported through the financial assistance of the European Union, the Government of Spain and the Government of Germany to the Royal Government of Bhutan.
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