High-level sensitization workshop for the Parliamentarians
In preparation for Bhutan’s reporting to the Committee, the National Commission for women and Children in partnership with UNICEF and Dr. Rinchen Chophel, the newly elected member of the UN CRC Committee conducted a one-day high-level sensitization workshop for the Parliamentarians on human rights treaty mechanism with a focus on CRC on 9th April 2021in Hotel Metta Resort, Paro.
The objectives of the high-level awareness workshop are to:
Provide an introduction to the UN Human Rights framework and Treaty Monitoring process;
Build knowledge on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its key principles: Best Interests of the Child; the Right to Non-Discrimination; the Right to Life, Survival and Development; and the Right to Participation;
Build knowledge and skills to promote the application and implementation of the CRC in policy, programming, budgeting, and monitoring;
Strengthen awareness of the CRC Reporting process and skills in preparing effective reports; and
Promote engagement and collaboration in CRC promotion and reporting.
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