Happy World Children’s Day!

Today, November 20, marks World Children’s Day. On this day we celebrate to advocate for the children who are not heard, for the children who are in need of special protection and for those children who need us every day to protect their rights and promote wellbeing. The Government renewed its commitment to the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Child on World Children’s Day, making Bhutan one of the 109 countries to align to the “Global Pledge: For every child, every right,”. Children are the building blocks of the nation and every child deserves education, nurturing, and the best of everything. The day is a reminder for all of us - the Government, Civil Society, Corporations, Private Sector and Individuals - to take the opportunity to recommit to the rights of every child now and for future generations. Happy World Children’s Day! #UNICEF Bhutan #Save the Children International- Bhutan Country Office
All Updates
- Public Advisory Notification
- IDEVAW_Press Release 25th November 2024
- Understanding Basic Gender Concepts and Gender Mainstreaming tools - Gender Mainstreaming Training
- Training on Early Identification and Safe Referral of Children in Zhemgang
- Annual Gender and Child Focal Point Meeting
- NCWC - Executive Order
- NCWC Hosts Consultation Workshop to Develop Action Plan for 10th CEDAW Concluding Observations
- Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus (AWPC), Thimphu, Bhutan 13th - 14th May, 2024
- Sensitization Program on Women's and Children's Rights for Members of Parliament.
- Suggestions and feedback on the Revised National Gender Equality Policy
- Orientation program-JSW School of Law
- Orientation program to the Community based and School Based Child Protection Committees.
- Training of Trainer-Dekyid Thuendrel
- "Empowering Communities to Address Violence Against Children" A pilot project in 3 Dzongkhags
- Training of Thimphu Thromde Community Mentors and School Trainers on the Dekyid Thuendrel- Parenting without Violence Toolkit