Understanding Basic Gender Concepts and Gender Mainstreaming tools - Gender Mainstreaming Training


The Women and Children Division, Secretariat to the National Commission for Women Children conducted a basic gender training titled “Understanding Basic Gender Concepts and Gender Mainstreaming tools” from various sectors from 15th - 18th August 2024 in Paro. The Training gathered officials from crucial sectors and agencies in the country including District Education Officers, ECCD facilitators, Gender and Child Focal Points from central agencies, Dzongkhags, Civil Society Organisations and Central Monastic Body. The training covered Basic Gender Concepts, Gender Responsive Project Cycle Management, gender indicators and legislations, Gender responsive M&E, Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, Advocacy on Gender Mainstreaming over the four day course.


DocumentDownload link
Gender Training 15th-18th August 2024 Namsey Chholing Resort.pdf Download