Bhutan is among 172 countries to have extended support to the joint statement titled “Protect our Children” at the United Nations (UN). The statement is an initiative in response to the UN Secretary-General’s call on countries to prioritize children’s education, food, health and safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
The joint statement welcomes the release of the UN Secretary General’s policy brief outlining the harmful effects of the pandemic on children as well as the complementary Agenda for Action issued by UNICEF, which is aimed at protecting the most vulnerable children and to prevent this public health emergency from becoming a child-rights crisis.
The Royal Government continues to accord high priority towards the protection and wellbeing of our children and in ensuring that they are not deprived of their basic needs and rights during the current situation. Among other initiatives, the National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) with support from UNICEF and UNDP has developed a Gender and Child Protection Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan during COVID 19 pandemic. The plan covers all aspects of interventions to be implemented by relevant government and non-government partners to ensure that children’s needs and wellbeing are taken into consideration during the preparations and response to the COVID-19 situation.
The UNICEF Country Office, Thimphu has been instrumental in supplementing the Royal Government’s efforts in preparing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in ensuring the wellbeing of children during the current COVID-19 situation and has expressed their commitment to continue supporting the Royal Government in its efforts to protect all children in Bhutan, both during and after the pandemic.
August 1st 2020 also marks 30 years, since Bhutan ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan,
National Commission for Women and Children, Royal Government of Bhutan
1 August 2020
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