Launch of NCWC Mobile Application
As NCWC is mandated for women’s empowerment and child protection, the Mobile Application is developed with the objective to increase efficiency of service provision for women and children in need of care and protection by providing more communication channels to seek services. Mobile Application provides easy access and convenient mode of communication to the survivors of violence to report the case and seek immediate interventions. Further it also allows citizens to apply for Child Adoption and Alternative care. The application provides the contact information of service providers including, law enforcement agencies, Gender and Child Focal Person of 20 Dzongkhags. Furthermore, the app also has features where anyone can report incidents of violation of rights of women and children and apply for alternative care for children including adoption. People can also directly access the woman and child helpline 1098 through the app. It also enables the general public to access the information related to women and children such as advocacy materials, publications, legislations and related information.
All Updates
- NCWC scores for APA 2017-2018
- Shortlisted Applicants for post of Assistant Program Officer
- Asia’s 10 most gender equal countries
- National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2017- A Study on Violence against Women in Bhutan
- 13 reasons why we need to end violence in schools
- Vacancy Announcement for Asst. Program Officer
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- Validation workshop on "Bhutan pilot - Addressing Violence Against Women and Children"
- How to talk to your child
- Gender and Child sensitization workshop for the Hon'ble National Council members
- Addendum
- Sexual harassment
- Announcement
- Invitation of Quotation for Air Ticket
- Selection result for the Post of Adm/HR Officer