Vacancy re-announcement for the post of Chief Program Office
The National Commission for Women and Children is pleased to re-announce the following vacancy for in service civil servant
Position Title : Chief Program Officer
Position Level : P1
Minimum Qualification required : Bachelors Degree, preferably Masters in Relevant field.
Division: Children/Women Division
No. of Slots: 2
Interested In-service Civil Servants who meet the eligibility criteria may apply. For the eligibility criteria, please refer section of the Promotion Rules and Regulations, BCSR 2012.
Applications with relevant qualification/training and work experience shall be given preference for the purpose of short listing. Applications along with Curriculum Vitae must reach the HR Service, NCWC latest by 24th July, 2017.
For further information, please contact HR Section at telephone # 334549/334553 during the office hours.
All Updates
- Bhutan slides down the Global Gender Gap Index
- Vacancy Announcement
- 3rd High Level Meeting on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in Asia-Pacific
- Bhutan presents 8th and 9th Combined CEDAW Periodic Report to the United Nations Committee
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- National Consultation on VAC
- Report on Violence Against Children
- International Day of the Girl child
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- Interview for Chief Program Officer
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
- Shortlisted candidates for the post of Chief Program Officer.
- Vacancy for Deputy Chief Program Officer or Sr.Program Officer
- Re-advertising the vacancy for Chief Program Officer