Inauguration of Creche at MoLHR
On 8 July,2019 the Dasho Secretary, MoLHR and Offtg Director, NCWC inaugurated Ministry’s Crèche which will cater to 22 children of the officials working in the Ministry. The Creche was set up with the support of NCWC under ADB funding to create conducive working environment for working parents.The opening of the Creche was attended by the head of the departments of the Ministry, and staff of the Ministry who have enrolled their children in the Creche.
All Updates
- Bhutan slides down the Global Gender Gap Index
- Vacancy Announcement
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- Quotation for Air Ticket
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- Report on Violence Against Children
- International Day of the Girl child
- Quotation for Air Ticket
- Interview for Chief Program Officer
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
- Mid year Meeting of the Gender Focal Person
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- Vacancy for Deputy Chief Program Officer or Sr.Program Officer
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