International Day of the Girl Child Day "Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable".
The National Commission for Women and Children Observes the International Day of the Girl Child Day “Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable” on October 11, 2019 at Taj Tashi. The Event is graced by Hon’ble Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo, Health Minister, Vice Chair NCWC Commission.
Rape and sexual assault is a violation of children's rights and every effort must be made to end it. We believe that with the right priorities and policies and collective action, a community without rape is possible. Let us work together to say “I commit to stop rape against minor with the hashtag #ICommit #StopRape #MinorRape
All Updates
- EoI to develop SOP on Case Management and Referral System for Women and Children in Difficult Circumstances.
- Drafting of the Code of Ethics for the Child Welfare Officers/Protection Officers and Probation Officers.
- Supply of Projector
- Advertisement for the printing of the Child Friendly Version of the CCPA
- Sensitization Program on Gender and Child Protection Issues in Bhutan, May 23rd – 7th June 2015
- Annual quotation for the financial year 2015-2016
- Awareness on CCPA, CAA and DVPA.
- Drafting of the Code of Ethics for the Child Welfare Officers or Protection Officers and Probation Officers.
- Short-listed candidates for the post of Chief Program Officer, (P1-A) Children Division, NCWC (Vacant post-1).
- Consultancy to draft the Standard Operating Procedure on Management and Referral of Cases of Women and Children in Difficult Circumstances.
- Inter-Country Adoption
- Recognition of ICT Champion
- Vacancy Announcement for the post of Chief Program Officer
- Public Notification on CCPA, CAA and DVPA
- EOI Template and ToR for "Auditing of Implementing Agencies Under Component C of the Project"