Handing-taking of the equipments at Gawailing Happy Home

The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) and other service providers have been receiving an increasing number of cases related to gender based violence and violence against children. Such cases have exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for the provision of uninterrupted and timely response services. One of the critical services that need strengthening is shelter services. Therefore, as a part of the ‘Gender and Child Protection Emergency Preparedness and Response Contingency Plan for COVID -19 Pandemic,’ the furnishing of Gawailing Happy Home, RENEW with curtains, furniture, mattresses, bedding/bed linen, and electronic equipment worth Nu. 3.2 million was implemented with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Bhutan.
The handing-taking of the equipment was conducted on 15th October 2020 between Chief Representative, JICA and Director, NCWC and Executive Director, RENEW at Gawailing Happy Home, Selekha, Thimphu. Thank you JICA for supporting the implementation of the Gender and Child Protection Contingency Plan.
All Updates
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