Five-day training for the adolescent groups' facilitators of the Gakey Lamtoen: Bhutan Gender-Based Violence Prevention Project
The National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted a five-day training for the adolescent groups' facilitators of the Gakey Lamtoen: Bhutan Gender-Based Violence Prevention Project from 27-31 October 2021 in Punakha. The training is part of the preparation for Gakey Lamtoen's roll-out to three schools and communities in 2022. Gakey Lamtoen is a unique GBV prevention initiative targeting adolescents and caregivers through a two-pronged approach. The training was attended by teachers and counselors from Babesa Higher Secondary School, Khasadrapchu Middle Secondary School and Shaba Higher Secondary School. Dzongkhag and Thromde Education Officers from Thimphu and Paro also participated in the training. #UNDP #NCWC #GakeyLamtoen
All Updates
- 13th Coronation Anniversary of our beloved Druk Gyalpo
- Project Steering Committee Meeting for the Gakey Lamtoen
- 10th Royal Wedding Anniversary
- Happy International Day of the Girl Child!
- Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Counselors
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- Training on Early Identification and Safe Referral (EISR) to the Scouts Focal and Media Person
- Ending Violence Against Children
- Vacancy Announcement
- Three days workshop on Sensitive reporting on gender and children concerns to media houses
- Consultancy Service to Reviewing and Updating the existing child protection case management SOP, developing guidelines and procedures for the prevention and response to child protection and to conduct ToT.
- Promotion from 1st July 2021.
- Annual gender and Child Focal Person's Meeting 2021
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- Birth Anniversary of Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen